My fixation with watches began in the mid 1970s when I put my beloved Seiko on top of my mum’s snazzy Renault 5 while I played football in the garden.

I was always careful with that watch. I didn’t realise that she had driven off to go shopping. I looked for it for days and I suppose I’ve been looking for that watch ever since.

I love watches particularly from the 1950s, 60s and especially the 1970s. They have a kind of magic and nostalgia reflecting perhaps more colourful and imaginative times. My humble collection, and those for sale in the ‘shop’ is my own time portal to when I think watches, design, and certainly the music really were more interesting.

I try to date each watch and find out what was happening around the world when it was brand new and enjoying its tiny mechanical life on someone's wrist for the first time.

So what's so special about vintage watches?  Most of them aren't very accurate; you can't get them wet; they are intrinsically fragile and they've got bumps, scrapes, cracks and that thing they call patina.

Most need some attention from a watchmaker to keep them on the straight and narrow. But hey....'They Just Don't Make Them like that Any More' and that's what makes the search and hunt for them so rewarding. I love new watches too, but there is a unique appeal to wearing a vintage watch - and why buy new anyway? It's not really a sustainable choice anymore. So I hope you enjoy going down the proverbial rabbit hole and hope you find something you’d like to own or just want to read about.